
Being young is attractive ...
young people represent a new language and behaviours new way of life. They are aspirational to the those younger and older than them. known as Gen Y, Gen G, Global Millennial or Gen WE - have the highest buying power when compared to the older youth.

They are a lot similar to the Millenials (insecure and impatient, they pushed a lot of conventions. Freedom was the key, they conquered the right to be young). Millenials took over academic centres, big festivals and the streets. They used the road as a big medium of expression. They were nicknamed liberated youth (Peace, free love and flower power).

Gen X born in the 60s and 70s lived a guilt free life in the search for pleasure. they were uneasy and enthusiastic. They were individualistic yet they loved stereotypes. They are remembered as the competitive youth (its not a job its a war).

the rules of the young have changed again by the global youth.Their identities are TRANSIENT or TRANSCENDENT (changes from one place to another). There are behavioural connections between youth across the globe. Multiple access is causing this generation to have chronic acceptance anxiety. It is becoming important for the youth to choose the right filters to organize their experiences. With all the people and content in their lives, they are finding it hard to find a place they can call their own. They tend to use hyperbolic language to express themselves. They have developed a non-linear way of thinking that reflects the ways of the internet. They follow an infinity of subjects at the same time - it is natural to start with something and end at someplace else. Today it is cool to be and know various things at the same time. The radical vision of power of groups or tribes (80s) was dissolved in the 90s where youth wanted to fit into multiple groups.

Today being normal or being able to fit in is no longer cool, today it is possible to be multiple personalities at the same-time. this is the most PLURAL youth of all time. This youth is short term that lives the micro celebrity life and lives with multiple interconnected plans. They are successfully uniting work with pleasure and breaking down the hierarchical structures of business. They do not live with hedonistic values, they provide for pleasure by creating pre-programmed modules of pleasure. Young millennials are pragmatic, they are also more realistic. They do not idolize big, instead they follow common people who have realized small possible dreams. the collective conscious is the zeitgeist of the future. Todays world is full of uneasy opportunities. The new is always intimidating.

The search to understand the world keeps you young forever !

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