Desire as a memory - the invisible and the visible

Mutability is a vital ingredient of evolution and ultimately leads to, or results into a changed state. Vicissitude, is the successive alteration from one condition to another, is probably linear kind of change and therefore is invisible. Ideas must beat the path of natural evolution and deliver unexpectedness. The balance that tilts vicissitude into a mutability is the infusion of a radical element that creates imbalance. That element is the germ that needs to infect linearity in order to create variation. The frame of the germ determines the premise of the variation. In the balance between the expected and surprise - the germ tilts the balance towards surprise. 

Reversing or polarization is a much easier task than frame shifting. While shifts need to be engineered, polarization is accidental by nature and reversing is the process of inversion between the past and the present. Ideas like viagra reverses the notion of age turning desire that has become memory into a possibility. In the absence of truly path reversing ideas, key frames, even invisible ones can cause interesting shifts. 





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