Film Review: Flipped

Flipped - The Dual Narrative Is Always A Challenge

Sub texts seem to be back in vogue. We have had thoughts beyond the said, dreams within dreams, stories inside stories...journeys outside the real journey. Here is another one called 'Flipped'

An interesting attempt from Rob Reiner to show dual perspectives. This guy has done some brilliant stuff in the past. Although the film wallows away into the often painful nostalgia and attempts to captures the one-way conflict nature of individuals in the family collective, it brushes up an interesting dimension to a troubled friendship between two school kids. The plot sets up interesting vantage points for each character within the larger play. Innocence, insecurity, ingratitude sets up enough sub texts to turn it around interestingly. The dual narrative bares the various forms of schematic thinking across ages. The films overall sets up interesting conflicts and creates a final collision between the young and old. Some interesting situations...some interesting readings on offer. 
 There are enough points in the film where the characters interestingly 'FLIP' basis their experience and expression.

Overall a good immersion into the times and lives of people.


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