The monument as an excuse

Mon u ment - A memorial or a repository of a notion that withstood the test of time. Monuments make the past active by creating a symbol that continues in time. It is a legend to follow and direct, both in principle and purpose. The term opposes time as much as it represents it. It is known for significance, survival, rarity, representation, and narrative. From statues to boundaries, monuments are marked in space and time, accommodating and expressing it simultaneously.    
1. A structure that lacks size but has significance - something erected in memory of a person, event, etc., as a building, pillar, or statue
2. A structure that has survived - any building, megalith, etc., surviving from a past age, and regarded as of historical or archaeological importance.
3. A structure that is rare - any enduring evidence or notable example of something: a monument to human ingenuity.
4. A structure of ideas that best represents - an exemplar, model, or personification of some abstract quality, esp. when considered to be beyond question: a monument of middle-class respectability.
5. A place - an area or a site of interest to the public for its historical significance, great natural beauty, etc., preserved and maintained by a government.
6. An account -  a written tribute to a person, esp. a posthumous one.
7. An object -  as a stone shaft, set in the ground to mark the boundaries of real estate
8. A person - considered as a heroic figure or of heroic proportions


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