densely vertical

An enigma, a burning desire, a defining ambition - one could describe this city in many ways and yet retain its imposing essence. This city is what it represents – a desire to overwhelm.

This is a city, keen to outperform itself and those watching it. It is a sprawling outreach of human imagination, straddling menacingly, stretching and steeping simultaneously. 

A city whose nights are brighter than its sunny days. A city bejeweled by its luminaries, where bling gets its bling from, where  diamonds speed on its roads. this is not a city but an exposition of the rare, the expensive and the priceless. With more Tiffany stores than coffee shops, this city is for the stimulated and not the depressed. 

Where shorter structures create longer shadows that fall in a poetic straight line.When factories produce wealth and exhale toxic fumes through the world's tallest chimneys.

This is a linear city designed for mobility and speed. A city whose highway is its soul...where the centre street is a dizzying motion blur of neon and glow. A city whose buildings rise with an ambition to kiss the sky, whose roads don't wind around splendour but traces the path of a ripping bullet. As structures flash their lights to guide airplanes and to cause a twinkle in the grey skies... this city breathes through the night.

Where there is more sand in the air than wind, this city is more road than pavements, has more cars than people. A city where everyone and everything is a foreigner and a handful are its natives... a city that never opens its heart to make you a part. A city where people like its flowers are grown elsewhere but brought in just to adorn and nature needs an import license.  A city where prayers pierce the morning light and the sound of engines roar in the night.

A place with more shelves than stock and more food to throw than eat. As a city it grabs what it provides, where there is little solace but plenty of refuge. 

This is the city that is all man made and will always have everything that man needs to spend on. A city driven by deals, bargains and offers you cant resist. From the heights of the many windows, people seem small and their dreams bigger. A place that you could reach out but never embrace. 

This is not just a city but a temptation. This is not just an oasis but a paradise built from sand and chrome where the glassed exteriors reflect the drag lights of the night.

A metro - A highway - An Airline are its landmarks - where no one lives but everyone passes by.

This is not a city but a treat - to the one who likes speed and distance. To those who measure their dreams and number their goals, this is a place that reminds them not to sleep.    

This city is loaded, lean, lethargic and blissfully ignorant of the changing world surrounding it. This is a city with little romance and more liasons...where all  - are just another affair and life is just something in fine print! 

Disclaimed !


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