creating a context versus discovering one

Some of greg rowland's is inspiring and informative at the same time. It tends spark answers to questions that lie subdued in the mind. An ongoing  project in the lab of the mind is - the creation of illusion amidst reality. Or to find whats real in an illusion. Rowland throws some rare light on the subject of dreams (illusions).

His idea - dreams exist to heal otherwise disturbing paradoxes is an interesting one. While at one hand it brings clarity to the role of dreams, it also displays the process dreams control. He views desire as an ongoing process and dreams as the means to sub-consciously or willingly navigate the bouncy paths of desire.

In my business of ideas - there is a powerful role for the context. An idea does not work if it is decontexted. While ideas create a layer of compelling or alternate reality, there are other ideas that jump out of existing contexts. Therefore contexts are either local or clan or community. Essentially what ideas do is to herd alternate realities around a central motivator.

The american dream is a loaded symbol of alternate possibilities around a core motivation.

Therefore contexts either exist or can be caused to exist


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