all communication is designed to move people and the hero's journey or the monomyth is the critical path of any communication strategy. the bit that moves the user from a current point to the desired location. various forces are at play ... factors that resist the arc of communication movement. this is the bit that stands between the provided stimulus and the expected response.

factor number one is the context, the broader space where the brand lives - in lives of the people, in the roles it plays and the promises it keeps

the second bit is about the people an area where brand thinkers have invested far too much energy and resources into understanding people. the better brand teams have this one step further and are making attempts to understand the people of the people. the ones who matter to our audience

the third piece is the insight - not there are several schools of insight mining, insight writing and insight delivering. there are those who state it as an observation, the ones who seek social tension and there are those who deliver with profundity, but the best ones i feel are the ones that leverage a truth in the solution. therefore to me, the insight on the creative is more important than the insight on the brief

the fourth piece is what i call the take out or the message after seeing the piece of work. again there is a huge debate whether advertising creates the next level of dissatisfaction or the mocks existing behavior or even promotes fantasy. i think the message needs to be geared upto an action and not just an awareness

the fifth critical link in the brief is the creative platform  - the space that holds the idea and its executions together. again at various stages of the developing work, ideas seem to stem from almost disparate sometimes contrarian spaces. this could be the fundamental nature of creative thinking and therefore the role of the strategist is to make the choice. strategy is ofcourse all about choice and clarity and direction

the sixth sense - is the sense for the hero - usually when you pieces of work, you tend to see some ideas more powerful that they work individually and some ideas that work around others in the set. it is best to identify the hero and base the campaign around it

step seven -  is time to fire the fuel and take the leap into the engagement strategy - the place where we start thinking behavior on platforms, this is not so much about people, but more about how people are on various meduims. this is not just matching luggage but creating distinct pieces to let the idea travel longer and deeper

step eight - is creating a conducive womb a ecosystem for the campaign to survive , this is largely like a contingency plan where we predict the possibilities of failure and eliminate them. this is the kind of stuff that PO would call awesoming

go stun them ...





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