it is always better to tell people where we want to go. every brief hence needs to have a destination ... business, memorability, change whatever ... state it. 

every story needs a villain, the one that cockblocks our intentions. take this guy head on, call him the barrier, the barrier we must overcome to attain the goal.

who do we want to tell this amazing story to ... think if this stuff if relevant to this person, would he listen, would she care, would they remember. target

whats the strategy - whats the choice you have made - why have you included this and why have you ignored the rest. this needs to precise and full of mischief. this is the weapon that you will be wielding.

whats the brand point of view on this burning issue that needed a brief - this part is loaded with brand attitude, how it thinks, how it feels, whats its voice, chose its words carefully. this bit involves the softer stuff - personality, charisma, language and finally the words      


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