doodles & scribbles

Do good ideas sell themselves or does our jobs require us to save them. 

Every great idea is born to die unless it is saved from the clutches of death.  

I tend to believe in the latter. 

Not because the world needs a savior but the mental model of experience is to test everything against the sprawling width and breadth of time.    

The greatest quest for people in the creation business is to enhance the ability to stand up and defend the idea on paper before it takes any shape or form. 

Hence all original ideas sit on the cusp of RISK & PERSUASION.

The nubile idea needs to be guarded with reason and evidence to persuade the non-believers. So before we kill the doodle, try to scribble the armor around it. 

History, Reason, Proof, Interest, Current Value, shelf life, magic are all essentially the armor that can save the doodle. 



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