reviving dying sports

reviving sports

a lot of internet and publishing ink has been spilt and spent on reviving sports for a new generation of audience. viewership and ticket sales for high profile events are dwindling and revenues and bleeding.

will the offside rule save field hockey or the 21 point format save badminton. some experiments like the 20-20 format in cricket has worked but futsal has not been as widely popular as the creators imagined. just like the reinvention of comic heroes for a film audience, the revival of the sport depends on the new target it is trying to cater to.

so if an association of polo is trying to save the sport, it must follow the narrative of a film and not the classical narrative of the sport. there is merit in understanding how darren aronofsky used artistic perfection as metaphor to create interest for a subject like ballet. perhaps sport people need to understand the pursuit story to appreciate the performance story.

a larger context of content creation is probably what is required to revive dying sports of the polo kind.



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