Three days into this world cup and it is turning out to be quite a unique one. From the stadias, to the weather and the tech being deployed during the matches the experience of consuming these games are truly unique. With sell out crowds and full-blown fan parks football is well and truly gaining the attention that the most popular sport in the world deserves. 

Apart from the innovation,  there is an added extra sensationalism at play as well. Englands arm band, Germany's covered mouth, BBC's coverage of this world cup and then Saudi and Japan. Sport is powerful and athletes are adored but when players are forced to comply with social issues, the paradigm of hero worship shifts. Heroes fall and results gain precedence.

Just because this world cup is being played in 2 spheres - the game and the game of the game, iconic players tend to lose fandom. Hence the fans who once waited for glimpse of Messi are now mocking with the line .... Where is messi ? 

Bottom line dont mess with sporting events, it will get messy !   



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